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Read book Healing Journal by Cynthia Owen TXT, DJV, FB2


The Healing Journal is based on a biblical perspective of the topic of healing. The Healing Journal is an easy way to read and write about your personal journey of healing. You can use the Healing Journal as a devotional as well as a journal. At a convenient 6 x 9 size, it can be carried with you to use as a reference anytime. If you would like to study the topic of healing, it's a great book in which to write your thoughts and notes in a quick and convenient way. There are scripture verses quoted from the Bible as well as prayer declarations which you can learn and recite daily. The Healing Journal is also a great gift item for someone who might be struggling with an illness. It's a great book to place in a stack in a lobby to be found by those who need encouragement, hope, and healing for their struggle against illness, weakness, or discouragement.

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